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JUMP'IN French Mouth Large Beval Bit

Composition: This Beval bit features 90 mm rings and 17 mm thick cannons made of German Silver—an alloy composed of 65% copper, 23% zinc, and 12% nickel. Known for its durability and soothing effect, German Silver ensures a reliable and comfortable contact.

Effect: The bit offers versatile action depending on the rein position. It provides three functional options: lateral control, lever action, and gag action. The French mouthpiece design alleviates pressure on the roof of the mouth, ensuring a gentle experience for your horse.

Tips: Ideal for riders seeking a bit with a light lever action without the complexity of a 3-ring or Swivel bit. This bit's multiple configurations allow for a tailored approach to control and comfort.

Size: Available in 125 and 135

Maintenance Advice: Rinse the bit after each use to remove residue and prevent discomfort for your horse.

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